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The Falcon Project


Falcon Vehicle Demo

PhysX Scene Inside PVD

Custom Allocator Performance Enhancement

Falcon Custom Allocator Performance Test

Unity Scene

Falcon Scene

Falcon is a cross-platform game engine supporting Linux and Windows. The engine is mainly focused on implementing advanced graphics, simulating vehicle physics, ensuring high performance.


The engine is currently using Opengl/GLAD for graphics API. But later on can be ported to use others, based on the platforms it is running on. I am working as the Engine Systems Programmer /Tools developer on the team.


The team maintained a dev-log during the development of this project. Which you can read at this link.

My Contributions:

  • Implemented custom allocators to optimize memory allocations and enhance performance. Read more about it in my paper.


  • Integrated NVIDIA Physx in the engine to get realistic vehicle simulations in Falcon. Read details about it in this blog.


  • Co-wrote abstraction over the rendering APIs to ease the use in other modules and probably expand to different APIs.


  • As the team did not have resources to write our own level editor, I created a python CLI tool which helped us extract scene data from Unity into Falcon scene files. Read more about it on my blog.


  • An implemented a logging system for debugging purposes.


  • Python scripts to setup environment and fetching assets from G-Drive.​


  • Build pipelines with Azure to keep checking build sanity with every incoming pull request.

Research Involved:

  • Researching different options to optimize memory allocations and chose/design most useful for the current objective.

  • Analyzing NVIDIA samples to understand PhysX. Surfing through Lumberyard and Unreal source to learn about design patterns for integrating the PhysX.

Github:  source

              Scene Extraction Demo

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